Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Would You Like an Author Website Redesign?

This post falls in the "you scratch my back, I'll scratch your's department."

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I recently left my very cushy job at a very well-known internet company.  I've decided to start my own web consulting firm, and one of the services I am offering is web design.  I'm in the process of building up a portfolio I can show prospective clients.

I would like to include an author website redesign or two.

To this end, if you are interested in a professional redesign for your author website, send me an email at kateinthecloset at gmail dot com.  If it's something I can do in a reasonably short time, I would be happy to create a free design for you to look at.  If you like it, you can have it in exchange for a testimonial and permission to display it as part of my portfolio.

Sound like a good deal?  (It is.)

OK, now back to talking about writing...


  1. What a brilliant idea! I wish I had an author website for you to get to work on!

  2. Oh wow!!

    I came over from fairyhedgehog's!

    I just blog about cats and shoes and the occassional writing (mis)adventure but I think this is a fab idea and very generous of you!

    Take care and good luck!

  3. Thanks, cat people! Feel free to forward this as you like.

  4. I am like jumping up and down waving my arms...can you see me? I have been wanting a blog design that is my own for some time now.

    Or, I could use a webpage. I've been so scared of one that I've avoided it for many years. I should have something professional when I go to conferences and send out cover letters. It would be nice to have a tab that shows work that can be purchased for reprint use.

    Anyway, you have a lot of people who are going to be raising their hands so I'll stop clogging the box.

  5. LOL, Diane! Yes I see you! I'm not doing custom blogger themes just at the moment (as evidenced from my own blog), but I'll let you know as soon as I get there!

    As for a website, I can see how getting started might be intimidating, but it's really not hard. There are just an overwhelming number of options (growing every day). I wonder if folks reading this blog would be interested in a series of posts on how to go about it? In which I'd answer questions in the comments, of course.

  6. Now that is an amazing and very timely offer. Thank you Fairy Hedgehog for pointing me in this direction.

  7. Ooh, that would be awesome if you did a series of blog posts on creating websites. Please do.

  8. Sigh, once again I'm late to the party. Sounds like a very cool thing though, and I'm busily reading to see what I can do better on my existing site.
